Your Business Has Been Attacked By Ransomware, Now What? 5 Ways to Minimize the Damage

image of lock in the middle of a motherboard for cybersecurity

A ransomware attack can be a business’s worst nightmare. These attacks are becoming more and more common and can result in huge financial losses for businesses. If your business has been attacked by ransomware, don’t panic! This blog will review five things you can do to minimize the damage and get your business back up and running as quickly as possible. 

Step One: Assess the Damage

The first step is to assess the damage. Ransomware can encrypt your data, making it inaccessible. It can also delete files or destroy entire systems. Once you know what systems and data ransomware has targeted in your company, you can start to plan your next steps.

Assessing the damage includes:

  • Identifying which systems have been affected
  • Determining how much data has been lost or destroyed
  • Identifying what needs to be done to recover lost data

If you have a ransomware recovery plan in place, now is the time to put it into action. If you don’t have a ransomware recovery plan, don’t worry. We will discuss how to create one later on. 

Step Two: Contact Law Enforcement

The second step is to contact law enforcement. Ransomware attacks are a type of cybercrime, and you should report the attack to the authorities. Cybercrime is a growing problem, and it’s important to do your part to help stop it.

When you contact law enforcement, they will:

  • Help you assess the damage
  • Investigate the attack
  • Do everything possible to find and prosecute the attackers

While it would be incredible for law enforcement to be able to find and prosecute every cybercriminal, it’s important to remember that this is unfortunately an unlikely outcome. At eMDTec we’re passionate about cybersecurity because we know how challenging it is for law enforcement to find the perpetrators of these destructive crimes. When you invest in your business’s cybersecurity and do everything possible to follow best practices, you have the best chance of recovery post-attack. 

Step Three: Notify Your Insurance Company

The third step is to notify your insurance company. Many business insurance policies cover ransomware attacks. This coverage can help you recoup some of your losses.

Your insurance company will:

  • Assess the damage
  • Determine what is covered by your policy
  • Provide you with claim forms

Step Four: Create a Ransomware Recovery Plan

The fourth step is to create a ransomware recovery plan. This plan will help you get your business back up and running after an attack. Your ransomware recovery plan should include:

  • A list of critical systems and data
  • Backup plans for critical systems and data
  • A plan for restoring lost or destroyed data
  • A plan for communicating with customers and employees

The best way to create a comprehensive plan for the future is to consult with IT experts. They will know how to protect your specific business and its data and can help you select and implement lasting cybersecurity solutions that will protect you into the future.

Step Five: Implement Your Ransomware Recovery Plan

The fifth and final step is to implement your ransomware recovery plan. This may take some time, but it’s important to get your business back up and running as quickly as possible.

Once you’ve implemented your ransomware recovery plan, you should:

  • Test your backups to make sure they work
  • Monitor your systems for any new activity
  • Update your ransomware recovery plan regularly

Fight Ransomware and Protect Your Company with eMDTec 

Ransomware attacks are a serious threat to businesses. If your business has been attacked, remember that all is not lost. Calmly follow the above steps in order to mitigate and reduce the damage to your business. You should reach out to cybersecurity professionals. They can assist you with the recovery process and help defend your data in the event of a repeat attack.

To learn more about how to recover from a ransomware attack, contact a cybersecurity expert from eMDTec today. We’re experienced in cybersecurity measures of all kinds and would be happy to help your business recover.