Category Archives: IT Solutions

Crowdstrike Outage – How To Fix

What a way to start a Friday morning, TGIF… not really. A global outage related [...]

Navigating the Risks of Data Loss in Google Drive and Microsoft 365

In a time when cloud storage is ubiquitous, a recent incident involving Google Drive has [...]

10 Biggest Cybersecurity Mistakes of Small Companies

Cyberattacks can be sophisticated, but often lax cybersecurity practices lead to breaches, particularly in small [...]

Clicked on a Phishing Link? Don’t Panic! Here’s What to Do

Phishing attacks have become an ever-present threat in our digital lives, with millions of individuals [...]

Ultimate HIPAA Compliance Checklist

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is the cornerstone of patient data protection [...]

What Is Co-Managed IT? 

Having robust IT support is essential for maintaining operations, ensuring data security, and driving growth. [...]